According to Jumpstart (2007), definitions of disability include: “a restriction or (resulting from an impairment of ability to perform an activity in the manner considered normal; for human being”: and “a long term or recurring physical or mental impairment that that substantially limits an individual’s existence in the society.”

As defined by the World Health Organization, disability is a contextual variable of the function of a person’s ability rather than a fixed physical or mental state.

Michael, (1993) states 3 main criteria’s in which a disability is accessed:

1. Impairment i.e. the physical lack of all or part of one’s body parts.

2. Displacement i.e. the reduction or loss of functionality as caused by the impairment.

3. Handicap i.e. the reduction of ability to perform functions caused by impairment.

Disability in regards with architecture is mainly understanding the adaptation of a building by diversifying the needs of People With Disabilities(PWD) in space utilities. Disable people depending on existing design spaces which do not cater their needs reduce their ability to experience space and take part in activities normally.

This is where the aspect of universally designed spaces in architecture comes in to conform designs that allow anyone regardless of their ability or disability to use and experience space without any difficulties. The spatial experience of disabled people reveals to the architects the prevailing ways of understanding and conceiving space, and how their perspective considers aspects of the design process.


We Just Know Now Gonna Make

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Elizabeth-Ann – Guests from Sleval

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